Articles Article 01. Vegetarian Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease. Nutrients 2024. 02. Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kidney Care Without Dialysis. Journal of Renal Nutrition. 03. Optimal Nutrition in Hemodialysis Patients. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease. 04. Assessment of nutritional status in patients on hemodialysis // UpToDate article. 05. A proposed nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for protein–energy wasting in acute and chronic kidney disease. Kidney International. 06. Revisiting Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition: How Can We Apply the Evidence in Clinical Practice? Adv in Kidney Disease and Health. 07. Contrarian viewpoint – actually very applicable to Indian nephrology practice. 08. A good review on current evidence for dietary protein intake in CKD. 09. Article regarding liberalizing K in dialysis diets: helps in understanding how dialysis practice may be changing in the next decade (applicability to Indian context is questionable as many undergo 2/week HD and we don’t have Lokelma yet – but the editorial is worth a read). 10. Eating during dialysis is a hotly debated topic and one may be asked questions regarding this when presenting a case of CKD-5D who has PEW – so read this consensus statement from ISRNM. 11. Intradialytic parenteral nutrition – this article will give some evidence for how, why and when to use IDPN – read for a seminar/ dialysis rounds. 12. Phosphate in CKD – essential read for exams. 13. Protein restriction for CKD – time to move on ( gives a fresh perspective on the utility of low protein diet with synthesis of all the available evidence). 14. Nutrition management for CKD: differences and special needs for children and adults ( Review of different nutritional needs in all population). 15. Growth and Nutrition in pediatric chronic kidney disease ( There is a subsection on growth hormone therapy in children with CKD). 16. Influence of dietary intake on kidney stones – ( Often asked in exams, and useful in clinical practice). 17. Dietary recommendations for patients with nondialysis chronic kidney disease. 18. Nutritional management in patients with chronic kidney disease, Sun Moon Kim1 and Ji Yong Jung2,3. 19. Impact of Oral Nutritional Supplementation in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis: An Open-label, Single-arm Study among Indian Patients. 20. Therapeutic Effects of Oral Nutritional Supplements during Haemodialysis: Physician's Experience. 21. Personalized nutritional management in the transition from non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease to dialysis. Yoko Narasaki ; Kidney Res Clin Pract 2024. 22.Nutrition support for patients with renal dysfunction in the intensive care unit: A narrative review. Joanna L. Otis MS, RDN Nutr. Clin. Pract. 2024.