Palliative Care
- A Patient Decision Aid About Conservative Kidney Management in Advanced Kidney Disease: A Randomized Pilot Trial.
- Advance care planning and end-of-life decision making in dialysis: a randomized controlled trial targeting patients and their surrogates.
- CONCISE GUIDANCE TO GOOD PRACTICE Non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- What do Canadians think of advanced care planning? Findings from an online opinion poll.
- Clinical practice guideline on shared decision-making in the appropriate initiation of and withdrawal from dialysis. The Renal Physicians Association and the American Society of Nephrology.
- Decision-making around Commencing Dialysis – Indian Journal of Palliative Care.
- Dialysis Decision Making and Preferences for End-of-Life Care: Perspectives of Pakistani Patients Receiving Maintenance Dialysis – ScienceDirect.
- Facilitating advance care planning for patients with end-stage renal disease: the patient perspective.
- Shared Decision-Making, Advance Care Planning for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.
- Symptom burden, quality of life, advance care planning and the potential value of palliative care in severely ill haemodialysis patients.
- Using Human-Centered Design Principles to Create a Decision Aid on Conservative Kidney Management for Advanced Kidney Disease.
- Working Toward More Effective Advance Care Planning in Patients with ESRD.
- CKD in elderly patients managed without dialysis: survival, symptoms, and quality of life.
- Dialysis Discontinuation, Prognosis, and Shared Decision-Making – Kidney International Reports.
(PDF) Factors influencing dialysis withdrawal: A scoping review.
International variation in classification of dialysis withdrawal: a systematic review.
- (PDF) Long-term Outcomes Among Patients With Advanced Kidney Disease Who Forgo Maintenance Dialysis: A Systematic Review.
- Patient and Health Care Professional Decision-Making to Commence and Withdraw from Renal Dialysis: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research.
- Conservative kidney management and kidney supportive care: core components of integrated care for people with kidney failure.
- Kidney Supportive Care: Core Curriculum 2020.
- ANZSN Renal Supportive Care Guidelines 2013 – Brown – 2013 – Nephrology – Wiley Online Library.
- Recommendations for the Care of Patients Receiving Conservative Kidney Management – PMC.
- Shared Decision-Making in the Appropriate Initiation of and Withdrawal from Dialysis.
- A Conceptual Framework of Palliative Care across the Continuum of Advanced Kidney Disease.
- Choosing conservative care in advanced chronic kidney disease: a scoping review of patients’ perspectives.
- Conservative Kidney Management and kidney Supportive Care: Essential Treatments for Kidney Failure | Medical Research Archives.
- Identification of core components and implementation strategies for a Conservative Kidney Management Pathway across a complex, multisector healthcare system in Canada using World Cafés and the Theoretical Domains Framework | BMJ Open.
- Survival outcomes of supportive care versus dialysis therapies for elderly patients with end‐stage kidney disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis – Foote – 2016 – Nephrology – Wiley Online Library.
- Pathways Project: Development of a Multimodal Innovation To Improve Kidney Supportive Care in Dialysis Centers.
Supportive Care: Comprehensive Conservative Care in End-Stage Kidney Disease.
- Supportive Care: Economic Considerations in Advanced Kidney Disease.
- Dialysis or not? A comparative survival study of patients over 75 years with chronic kidney disease stage 5.
- Survival of elderly patients with stage 5 CKD: comparison of conservative management and renal replacement therapy
- Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers.
- Definition of terms used in limitation of treatment and providing palliative care at end of life.
- End of Life Care in End-Stage Kidney Disease.
- End of Life Care Policy for the Dying: Consensus Position Statement of Indian Association of Palliative Care – PMC.
- Original Articles: End-of-Life Care Preferences and Needs: Perceptions of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease – PMC.
- Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Elderly Haemodialysis Patients Using the STOPP Criteria.
- The ethics of end-of-life care for patients with ESRD.
- 2017 update on pain management in patients with chronic kidney disease – PMC.
- A practical approach to the treatment of depression in patients with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease.
- Clinical Pharmacology Considerations in Pain Management in Patients with Advanced Kidney Failure – PMC.
- Managing the symptom burden associated with maintenance dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference.
- Non-pharmacological interventions for improving sleep quality in patients on dialysis: Systematic review and meta-analysis | Request PDF.
- Pain in chronic kidney disease: a scoping review.
- Symptom burden and health-related quality of life in chronic kidney disease: A global systematic review and meta-analysis.
- SYMPTOM BURDEN IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A REVIEW OF RECENT LITERATURE – Almutary – 2013 – Journal of Renal Care – Wiley Online Library.
- Symptom burden in chronic kidney disease; a population based cross sectional study.
- Symptom burden in patients with chronic kidney disease not requiring renal replacement therapy.
- Symptom Management among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease – PMC.
- Kidney Supportive Care: Core Curriculum 2020 – American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
- Conservative kidney management and kidney supportive care: core components of integrated care for people with kidney failure – Kidney International.
- Renal Physician Association (USA): Shared decision-making.
- ANZSN Renal Supportive Care Guidelines 2013 – Brown – 2013 – Nephrology – Wiley Online Library.
- Recommendations for the Care of Patients Receiving Conservative Kidney Management Focus on Management of CKD and Symptoms.
- Recommendations for RSC in India.
- Gold Standard framework (UK): What can we do? And not How long?
- The Renal Association (UK): Planning/initiation/withdrawal /conservative.
- Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust.
- NICE guidelines UK on CKM.
- Edmonton Symptom Assessment Revised: Renal (ESAS-Renal).
- Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale Renal (IPOS-Renal).
- Dialysis Symptom Index (DSI).
- Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) score.
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG).
- EuroQoL. EQ-5D Instruments. 2019. UK: EuroQoL Research Foundation; Available from.
- Palliative Care Outcome Scale – A Resource for Palliative Care. 2012. IPOS-Renal and Translations. The Netherlands: Cicely Saunders Institute; Available from.
- Kidney Supportive Care Research Group.
Section Contributors

Dr. ravindra prabhu

Dr. shankar prasad

Dr. smriti khanna

Dr. nandini vallath.

Dr. Pankaj Singhai